Using painting, drawing, collage, found materials, language, and type, Greg Colson has developed an ­idio­syn­cratic body of work devoted to the poetry and humor of everyday objects, social patterns, and cultural habits, particularly our cul­tural obsession with efficiency, data, and analysis of every kind.

14 Day Juice Challenge is the first book in a series that will provide, in its totality, a broad survey of Greg Colson’s oeuvre. Each book in the series is structured as a poem that has both literary and visual dimensions. The poem proper that opens each book serves as an entryway into a selection of visual works, and as one pro­­gresses through, a net­­work of associations builds between the visual works and the initial poem. The first five books will be released every six to twelve months beginning with 14 Day Juice Challenge. Each of the books stands on its own as a complete work, leaving the reader free to collect the books as desired, choosing one, several favorites, or all in the series.

With a focus on Colson’s pie charts and aerial views of arena architecture, 14 Day Juice Challenge presents fourteen works that revolve around the pursuit of numbers and quantification. The book concludes with a discussion between the artist and publisher, Nina Holland, about the poetic form and its relationship to Colson’s visual work. The large-format book was printed by Holland on Little Steidl’s Roland 200 offset-lithographic printing press using a wet-on-dry process. In this method, one color is printed individually and allowed to dry for twenty-four hours before the next color is printed. Each sheet passes through the press ten times over a sequence of ten days. The printing technique allows for an extraordinary level of detail and tonal subtlety in the reproduction of Colson's work.

Buchgestaltung Nina Holland

40 Seiten, 17 Abbildungen

Lay-flat Swiss binding with a printed board cover; stitched book block; ­linen-­covered spine
30 x 40 cm


ISBN 978-3-94463-003-8
1. Auflage 08/2022

€ 45.00 inkl. MwSt.
Kostenloser Versand

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