A Sculptor’s World is the long-awaited new edition of the renowned 1968 autobiography of Isamu Noguchi, one of the twentieth century’s most important sculptors and an influential believer in the social significance of the medium. Through over 250 images—photographs of Noguchi’s experimental work, drawings and architectural plans—and told in his own words, it remains his most comprehensive statement about the art that brought him international acclaim. With an avant-garde layout and typography that remain fresh and compelling today, the book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in Noguchi’s work—simultaneously subtle and bold, traditional and modern— or a general interest in sculpture. Reprinted twice by Steidl and long out of print, this volume includes the original foreword by R. Buckminster Fuller and incorporates paper stocks and printing techniques as close as possible to the 1968 edition.

264 Seiten, 270 Abbildungen

23.7 x 25.5 cm


ISBN 978-3-96999-310-1

Noch nicht erschienen

€ 75.00 inkl. MwSt.
Kostenloser Versand

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