Present Continuous. A Century of Exhibitions, 1922–2022 is the first book to explore the rich exhibition history of Museum Folkwang in Essen. Carefully researched and generously illustrated texts, based on new archival findings, present around 40 of the most significant exhibitions in the history of the museum. Thematically-related essays and interviews complement each chapter, by focusing on specific overarching aspects of the museum’s exhibition history and development. In this way, Museum Folkwang’s recurring curatorial claims to innovation and creativity, to authenticity and the intensity of artistic production are retold and made visible. Extensive illustrations bring together exemplary installation views, selected paintings, photographs, videos, sculptures and posters, as well as historical photographs and rare documents from the “engine room” of Museum Folkwang.
Herausgegeben von Museum Folkwang
320 Seiten, 260 Abbildungen
Fester Einband
22 x 29 cm
ISBN 978-3-96999-189-3
1. Auflage 11/2023
€ 34.00 inkl. MwSt.
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