The Digital Shift is changing the world as we know it. The rise of Artificial Intelligence will create new business models, products and services – and ultimately change the way we live our lives. But in order to establish a new global prosperity paradigm, industry must finally start thinking radically from a human perspective.

Currently a tool used only by the elite, Artificial Intelligence must become a tool for everyone. It must become personalised and transition to what we call Personal Intelligence. How? Predominantly through the discipline of design. In this fascinating book, Christian von Reventlow and Philipp Thesen have developed a series of radically new human-centric, design-led methods and models that will help corporations adjust to this new personalised technology and the increasingly digitised future.

134 Seiten

Fester Einband / Leineneinband
17.7 x 23.7 cm


ISBN 978-3-95829-580-3
1. Auflage 02/2019


€ 20.00 inkl. MwSt.
Kostenloser Versand

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