Sidney B. Felsen

Born in Chicago in 1924, Sidney B. Felsen moved in 1939 to Los Angeles, where he has lived and worked since. Felsen began photographing at the age of 11 and over the next 40 years studied painting, drawing, ceramics and printmaking at institutions including the Chouinard Art Institute and the University of California. In 1966 he co-founded Gemini G.E.L., an artists’ workshop and publisher of hand-printed limited-edition prints and sculptures by world-renowned artists. For decades Felsen has documented the artists at work at Gemini and on their travels, capturing intimate moments of creativity and imagination. His photographs have been exhibited at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., and Newport Harbor Art Museum, among other institutions. Felsen’s photo archive is held by the Getty Research Institute and select works are in the Getty Museum’s collection.

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