Siegertitel Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2013 Kategorie Fotogeschichte/Fototheorie

Fascination with the scientific advances that were rapidly changing the world motivated Berenice Abbott to use photography as “the friendly interpreter of science”. Documenting Science explores this work, beginning in 1939 with Abbott’s early experiments with scientific imagery, continuing with science-based commercial assignments, and culminating in 1958 with the Physical Science Study Project at MIT which illustrated a new series of physics text books. This spectacular body of work is arguably Abbott’s most innovative and creative. Both beautiful and instructive, these images often illustrate some basic scientific principle. They are a marriage of science and art, and have fundamentally changed the way thousands of students visualize complex principles of physics.

182 Seiten

Fester Einband / Leineneinband
29.5 x 31 cm


ISBN 978-3-86930-431-1
1. Auflage 02/2012


€ 48.00 inkl. MwSt.
Kostenloser Versand

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