Jim Dine: "House of Words"
From 17 September to 30 October 2015, the Günter Grass Archive in Göttingen is to transform itself into Jim Dine’s “House of Words”. Dine, a major representative of Pop Art and famous for his prolific paintings, prints, sculptures and photographs, has also composed and recited poetry throughout his life. The foundation for “House of Words” – a new collage of graphic works and words – is linocuts of all the letters of the alphabet, which Dine has designed based on his own distinctive handwriting. From this raw material, Dine creates short episodes of text which he then unsettles with additional drawings, paintings and acrylic inkjet prints. These all hang free in the exhibition like Chinese scroll paintings, seemingly weightless in space.
Günter Grass Archiv, Düstere Straße 6, 37073 Göttingen
Opening hours: 26.09.15, 10.10.15, 17.10.15 and 24.10.15