Heavenwards is Nicolas Faure’s answer to Rainer Maria Rilke’s question in the first Duino Elegy (1912): “Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the Angelic Orders?” At first sight Faure’s photographs seem to show nothing but forests, rivers and light, but in each picture there is something hiding – a human being, an animal or perhaps even an angel as the book’s subtitle suggests. In Rilke’s words, “Perhaps there remains some tree on a slope that we can see again each day: there remains to us yesterday’s street, and the thinned-out loyalty of a habit that liked us, and so stayed, and never departed.”
96 pages
Hardback / Clothbound
35 x 27.8 cm
ISBN 978-3-86930-126-6
Not yet published
€ 58.00 incl. VAT
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