Venice - a city of color, light and shadows. Matthias Schaller stumbled upon the architectural anomaly of the controfacciata or counter-façade whilst exploring the magnificent Venetian palaces along the edges of the canals. These spaces at the front of the first floor lie still, in semi-darkness. The walls glow in twilight, the faded grandeur of earlier days discernible in the busts, furniture and paintings. From the end of the passage, light floods into the room, sapping the blazing colors of the decor. Doors off the hallway lead to unknown rooms and silent histories.

Between 2004 and 2007 Schaller made a series of photographic studies of these hallways and corridors in the quarter between Ponte di Rialto and Piazza San Marco. Applying a direct elevation perspective, his images highlight the long hall that extends to the light-filled windows at the water´s edge. They present an original view of the city, imbued with a haunting tension and the bittersweet paradox that is Venice.

68 Seiten

Fester Einband / Gebunden Leinen
2.1 x 2.7 cm


ISBN 978-3-86521-674-8
1. Auflage 08/2008

€ 35.00 inkl. MwSt.
Kostenloser Versand

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